So. I have made some more things for baby Julia, and since most of you actually know me in the real world, you know that I just got to meet her for the first time! I had a lovely trip and Mom and I spent a few days with S and T and J. We did laundry, ate, watched the baby, held the baby, and did a little shopping.
The bro and sis-in-law are very proud of their little nugget, and she is as cute as can be. After a total of four great-grandchildren on one side, and eight on the other, the charm of a new baby is still fresh for everyone. It's fun. More about why babies are awesome another time. I have lots of reasons. More about the trip another time too.
I've been busy stitching for that sweet girl, so I wanted to share.
A dress. Pattern
here. I started this immediately upon finding out she was a she.

A bear hat. Pattern
here. I started this a while ago and added the flowers after she was a she, or, you know what I mean.

Booties. Pattern
here. I made some modifications. I made 5 of these booties on my plane ride. Easy peasy, zippity do da.

A wool soaker for use with cloth diapers. Pattern
here. For info about wool soakers, go
here. I started these two weeks ago, ish.

Mom helped me pick out the buttons.

A cotton diaper cover. Because it's cute, not functional in the diapering way. Pattern
here. I gave this to Trisha at the shower, did I already show it to you? I don't remember.

And because I'm not ashamed to admit design flaws or when things go wrong...

When her toes popped through, they kept saying, "I am a GI-ANT!!"