Here's the set-up:
Nate always rides behind me unless he needs to pass me on a hill, which happens on most hills, but I think he's trying not too. He tells me when cars are coming and is able to see when I fall or have a problem. He also gives me pointers. There is no telling from pointer to pointer whether it will be well received by the recipient. A more regular flow of oxygen to my brain will surely help with my attitude.
I am woefully out of shape.
Nate's riding behind me and I hear: Babe, you are really toning up already!
Me: (gasp, wheeze, struggling for air) What?!
Nate: Yeah, I can tell already!
Isn't he sweet? I'm still skeptical, I think he was just trying to make me feel better. He maintains that the calves are the first to go.
2. I (think I) am having my first cello lesson since June of 2005, today! I found out I was having it today, yesterday! I could be more prepared! Boy am I nervous!
3. Nate spent the evening last night realigning my wheels and adjusting my gear shifts on the bike, with whom I always argue (the gear shifts, not Nate, I'm too out of breath to argue with Nate). Isn't that nice? I can't wait to try it! My back brake was rubbing up agin my wheel last night and I got jipped of some serious coasting that should have been coming my way.
4. There will be lots of work outside and gardening this weekend!! I will weed the herb garden (this consists of pulling up the mint that continues to pop up everywhere) and the beet bed.

6. What are you doing?
I am giggling to myself that I cannot for the life of me see anything in your pictures. I blame this solely on myself, not your photography skills. I just know very, very little about gardening. And I wish you nothing but the best.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was out there taking pictures I couldn't see what I was taking pictures of, so I have a bunch with my finger pointing at the stems. I can see them better when I click on them to enlarge. But honestly, especially with the carrots, you don't know what you're looking at unless you know exactly what you're looking for. We have spent many minutes crouched over things we have planted saying, "Is that it?" "I don't know." "Maybe this over here is it." "Maybe so."
ReplyDeleteAgin....good usage.... I am currently working on a rain barrel. That's my project.