I was going to call it a window sill garden, but let's be real here. This is a glorified 5th grade science project I'm working on. That's probably too generous, in reality it is more like 1st or 2nd grade. I provided my own adult supervision with the sharp objects.
But I digress. I'm growing things in the window sill:

Two tiny terrariums, trigger tubers. (I just said that.)
The leaves are still green, so it's not technically dying, right?

I have often wanted to try growing an avocado tree from a pit. I looked up some instructions and it was pretty simple. You gently poke some toothpicks in the pit, suspend it in a glass, and partially cover the pit with water, pointy side up. Change the water and if funk started to grow on the pic, wipe it off.
So here it is. The stem got super tall, like so.

Nate kept saying, "You are growing a TREE on our refrigerator."
In ten years we'll be able to harvest avocados.
You make cool things.